
Eat the Frog

if(prop("Walked Ted") or prop("Did Exercise") or prop("Read") or prop("Active Reading") or prop("Wrote"), replaceAll(slice("11111", 0, (toNumber(prop("Walked Ted")) + toNumber(prop("Did Exercise")) + toNumber(prop("Read")) + toNumber(prop("Active Reading")) + toNumber(prop("Wrote"))) / 5 * 5), "1", "🐸"), "🍽 Eat the Frog")

if(prop("Walked Ted") or ... ,

Check to see if any of the habits are checked. If any are, do the following.

(toNumber(prop("Walked Ted")) + ... ) / 5 * 5)

Convert each checked habit into a 1, add those together, divide by the number of habits, then multiply by the maximum number of frogs to get a total out of 5.

slice("11111", 0, ... )

Take the total out of 5 and only return that many 1s.

replaceAll( ... , "1", "🐸")

Replace all the 1s in the slice result to a 🐸

"🍽 Eat the Frog")

If no habits are checked, display 🍽️ Eat the Frog.

<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/1649d2f9-1b45-478a-86b4-341fbe27e06f/benny.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/1649d2f9-1b45-478a-86b4-341fbe27e06f/benny.png" width="40px" /> By BenLatest • Was this helpful? Please consider buying me a coffee. Cheers!
