

if(empty(prop("Dates")), "", if(formatDate(end(prop("Dates")), "L") == formatDate(now(), "L"), "Due Today", if(end(prop("Dates")) < now(), "Overdue", "—")))

if(empty(prop("Dates")), "",

Check to see if Dates is empty, and if it is display nothing. Otherwise do the following.

if(formatDate(end(prop("Dates")), "L") == formatDate(now(), "L"), "Due Today",

If the localised DD/MM/YYYY format of Dates matches that of the current date, display Due Today.

if(end(prop("Dates")) < now(), "Overdue",

Otherwise if the end date of Dates is less than (before) the current date, display Overdue.


Otherwise if the end date of Dates is greater than (after) the current date, display

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