



(day(now()) == 0) ? "Sunday" : ((day(now()) == 1) ? "Monday" : ((day(now()) == 2) ? "Tuesday" : ((day(now()) == 3) ? "Wednesday" : ((day(now()) == 4) ? "Thursday" : ((day(now()) == 5) ? "Friday" : ((day(now()) == 6) ? "Saturday" : "Unknown"))))))



Progress Bar

Progress Bar → Current/Target


if(prop("Current") / prop("Target") == 0, " ❌", if(smallerEq(prop("Current") / prop("Target"), 0.1), "■ " + format(round(prop("Current") / prop("Target") * 100)) + "%", if(smallerEq(prop("Current") / prop("Target"), 0.2), "■■ " + format(round(prop("Current") / prop("Target") * 100)) + "%", if(smallerEq(prop("Current") / prop("Target"), 0.3), "■■■ " + format(round(prop("Current") / prop("Target") * 100)) + "%", if(smallerEq(prop("Current") / prop("Target"), 0.4), "■■■■ " + format(round(prop("Current") / prop("Target") * 100)) + "%", if(smallerEq(prop("Current") / prop("Target"), 0.5), "■■■■■ " + format(round(prop("Current") / prop("Target") * 100)) + "%", if(smallerEq(prop("Current") / prop("Target"), 0.6), "■■■■■■ " + format(round(prop("Current") / prop("Target") * 100)) + "%", if(smallerEq(prop("Current") / prop("Target"), 0.7), "■■■■■■■ " + format(round(prop("Current") / prop("Target") * 100)) + "%", if(smallerEq(prop("Current") / prop("Target"), 0.8), "■■■■■■■■ " + format(round(prop("Current") / prop("Target") * 100)) + "%", if(smallerEq(prop("Current") / prop("Target"), 0.9), "■■■■■■■■■ " + format(round(prop("Current") / prop("Target") * 100)) + "%", if(smallerEq(prop("Current") / prop("Target"), 0.99), "■■■■■■■■■■ " + format(round(prop("Current") / prop("Target") * 100)) + "%", if(prop("Current") / prop("Target") == 1, " ✅", ""))))))))))))


(prop("Current") / prop("Target") >= 1) ? "✅" : (and(empty(prop("Current")), not empty(prop("Target"))) ? "❌" : format(slice("■■■■■■■■■■", 0, round(prop("Current") / prop("Target") * 10)) + " " + format(round(prop("Current") / prop("Target") * 100)) + (and(empty(prop("Current")), empty(prop("Target"))) ? "" : "%")))

(prop("Current") / prop("Target") >= 1) ? "✅"

If Current divided by Target is greater than or equal to 1, display ✅

: (and(empty(prop("Current")), not empty(prop("Target"))) ? "❌"

Otherwise if Current returns nothing but Target returns something, display ❌

: format(slice("■■■■■■■■■■", 0, round(prop("Current") / prop("Target") * 10))

Otherwise divide prop("Current") by prop("Target"), round the results to a full number, then remove that number of squares from ■■■■■■■■■■

+ " " + format(round(prop("Current") / prop("Target") * 100))

Then display the rounded percentage after the squares.

+ (and(empty(prop("Current")), empty(prop("Target"))) ? "" : "%")))

And add a % symbol if both Current and Target are not empty.