<aside> ❓ Visualises progress through a day, week, month, year, and lifetime.


Life Progress

Day Progress

	hp, now().hour() / 24 * 10,
	+ "○".style("default").repeat(10 - hp.floor())
	+ "   Day: " + hp * 10 + "%"

Week Progress

format(replaceAll(slice("xxxxxxxxxx", 0, floor(round((day(now()) + 1) / 7 * 100) / 100 * 10)), "x", "🟢") + format(replaceAll(slice("xxxxxxxxxx", 0, ceil(10 - round((day(now()) + 1) / 7 * 100) / 100 * 10)), "x", "⚪️") + " Week: " + format(round(round((day(now()) + 1) / 7 * 100) / 100 * 100)) + "%"))

Month Progress

format(replaceAll(slice("xxxxxxxxxx", 0, floor(date(now()) / if(month(now()) == 1, if(year(now()) / 400 % 1 == 0 or year(now()) / 4 % 1 == 0 and year(now()) / 100 % 1 != 0, 29, 28), if(test(month(now()), "3|5|8|10"), 30, 31)) * 10)), "x", "🟢") + format(replaceAll(slice("xxxxxxxxxx", 0, ceil(10 - date(now()) / if(month(now()) == 1, if(year(now()) / 400 % 1 == 0 or year(now()) / 4 % 1 == 0 and year(now()) / 100 % 1 != 0, 29, 28), if(test(month(now()), "3|5|8|10"), 30, 31)) * 10)), "x", "⚪️")) + " Month: " + format(round(date(now()) / if(month(now()) == 1, if(year(now()) / 400 % 1 == 0 or year(now()) / 4 % 1 == 0 and year(now()) / 100 % 1 != 0, 29, 28), if(test(month(now()), "3|5|8|10"), 30, 31)) * 100)) + "%")

Year Progress

format(replaceAll(slice("xxxxxxxxxx", 0, floor(toNumber(formatDate(now(), "DDD")) / ((year(now()) / 400 % 1 == 0 or year(now()) / 4 % 1 == 0 and year(now()) / 100 % 1 != 0) ? 366 : 365) * 10)), "x", "🟢") + format(replaceAll(slice("xxxxxxxxxx", 0, ceil(10 - toNumber(formatDate(now(), "DDD")) / ((year(now()) / 400 % 1 == 0 or year(now()) / 4 % 1 == 0 and year(now()) / 100 % 1 != 0) ? 366 : 365) * 10)), "x", "⚪️") + " Year: " + format(round(toNumber(formatDate(now(), "DDD")) / ((year(now()) / 400 % 1 == 0 or year(now()) / 4 % 1 == 0 and year(now()) / 100 % 1 != 0) ? 366 : 365) * 100)) + "%"))

Life Progress

format(replaceAll(slice("xxxxxxxxxx", 0, floor(dateBetween(now(), prop("Date of Birth"), "days") / dateBetween(dateAdd(prop("Date of Birth"), prop("Desired Age"), "years"), prop("Date of Birth"), "days") * 10)), "x", "🟢") + format(replaceAll(slice("xxxxxxxxxx", 0, ceil(10 - dateBetween(now(), prop("Date of Birth"), "days") / dateBetween(dateAdd(prop("Date of Birth"), prop("Desired Age"), "years"), prop("Date of Birth"), "days") * 10)), "x", "⚪️") + " Life: " + format(floor(dateBetween(now(), prop("Date of Birth"), "days") / dateBetween(dateAdd(prop("Date of Birth"), prop("Desired Age"), "years"), prop("Date of Birth"), "days") * 100)) + "%"))


prop("Name") + "'s " + prop("Age") + " and hopes to live to " + prop("Desired Age")

<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/1649d2f9-1b45-478a-86b4-341fbe27e06f/benny.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/1649d2f9-1b45-478a-86b4-341fbe27e06f/benny.png" width="40px" /> By BenLatest • Was this helpful? Please consider buying me a coffee. Cheers!

