
Using a Status



(prop("Status") != "Complete") ? if(now() > prop("Due"), "⚠️ Overdue", "") : ""

(prop("Status") != "Complete")

If Status isn't Complete do the following.

? if(now() > prop("Due"), "⚠️ Overdue", "")

If the current date is after Due, display Overdue. Otherwise display nothing.

: ""

If Status is Complete display nothing.

Using Dates

<aside> ⚠️ The downside of formula-based statuses is that you can't group by that property in board views.




and(now() > prop("Due"), empty(prop("Completed"))) ? "⚠️ Overdue" : (and(empty(prop("Started")), empty(prop("Completed"))) ? "❌ Not Started" : ((not empty(prop("Completed"))) ? "✅ Complete" : "🔷 In Progress"))

and(now() > prop("Due"), empty(prop("Completed"))) ? "⚠️ Overdue"

If current date is after Due and Completed is empty, display Overdue

: (and(empty(prop("Started")), empty(prop("Completed"))) ? "❌ Not Started"

Otherwise if both Started and Completed are empty, display Not Started

: ((not empty(prop("Completed"))) ? "✅ Complete"

Otherwise if Completed is not empty, display Complete

: "🔷 In Progress"))

Otherwise display In Progress

Status (now - 5d)

Won't show Overdue until the current date is 5 or more days past the Due date.

and(dateSubtract(now(), 5, "days") > prop("Due"), empty(prop("Completed"))) ? "⚠️ Overdue" : (and(empty(prop("Started")), empty(prop("Completed"))) ? "❌ Not Started" : ((not empty(prop("Completed"))) ? "✅ Complete" : "🔷 In Progress"))