
Due State

if(empty(prop("Do Date")) and empty(prop("Parent Item")), "⚪️", if(empty(prop("Do Date")), "➞⚪️", if(formatDate(prop("Do Date"), "L") == formatDate(now(), "L") and empty(prop("Parent Item")), "🟢", if(formatDate(prop("Do Date"), "L") == formatDate(now(), "L"), "➞🟢", if(prop("Do Date") < now() and empty(prop("Parent Item")), "🔴", if(prop("Do Date") < now(), "➞🔴", if(empty(prop("Parent Item")), "🔵", "➞🔵")))))))


if(empty(prop("Recur Interval (Days)")), "⏳ One-Time", "🔄 Recurring")


if(not empty(prop("Following")) and not empty(prop("Next in line")), "⇠ ⇢", if(not empty(prop("Following")), "⇠", if(not empty(prop("Next in line")), "⇢", "")))


if(empty(prop("Do Date")) and empty(prop("Parent Item")), "⚪️", if(empty(prop("Do Date")), "➞⚪️", if(formatDate(prop("Do Date"), "L") == formatDate(now(), "L") and empty(prop("Parent Item")), "🟢", if(formatDate(prop("Do Date"), "L") == formatDate(now(), "L"), "➞🟢", if(prop("Do Date") < now() and empty(prop("Parent Item")), "🔴", if(prop("Do Date") < now(), "➞🔴", if(empty(prop("Parent Item")), "🔵", "➞🔵")))))) + " " + if(empty(prop("Recur Interval (Days)")), "⏳ One-Time", "🔄 Recurring")) + " " + if(not empty(prop("Following")) and not empty(prop("Next in line")), "⇠ ⇢", if(not empty(prop("Following")), "⇠", if(not empty(prop("Next in line")), "⇢", "")))

Combined (Tabbed)

if(empty(prop("Do Date")) and empty(prop("Parent Item")), "⚪️", if(empty(prop("Do Date")), "➞⚪️", if(formatDate(prop("Do Date"), "L") == formatDate(now(), "L") and empty(prop("Parent Item")), "🟢" + "\\t\\t", if(formatDate(prop("Do Date"), "L") == formatDate(now(), "L"), "➞🟢" + "\\t", if(prop("Do Date") < now() and empty(prop("Parent Item")), "🔴" + "\\t\\t", if(prop("Do Date") < now(), "➞🔴" + "\\t", if(empty(prop("Parent Item")), "🔵" + "\\t\\t", "➞🔵" + "\\t")))))) + if(empty(prop("Recur Interval (Days)")), "⏳ One-Time", "🔄 Recurring")) + "\\t\\t" + if(not empty(prop("Following")) and not empty(prop("Next in line")), "⇠ ⇢", if(not empty(prop("Following")), "⇠", if(not empty(prop("Next in line")), "⇢", "")))

<aside> ⚠️ Only works in the Table view with Wrap cells turned on, Board view, and in the full page view.


<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/1649d2f9-1b45-478a-86b4-341fbe27e06f/benny.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/1649d2f9-1b45-478a-86b4-341fbe27e06f/benny.png" width="40px" /> By BenLatest • Was this helpful? Please consider buying me a coffee. Cheers!
