

Modules → Attended Progress

(prop("Attended") >= 1) ? "Fully Attended" : (empty(prop("Attended")) ? "0%" : format(slice("■■■■■■■■■■", 0, floor(prop("Attended") * 10)) + format(slice("□□□□□□□□□□", 0, ceil(10 - prop("Attended") * 10))) + " " + format(round(prop("Attended") * 100)) + "%"))

Based on Simplified Progress Bar, which is based on Progress Bar. Formula breakdowns are available there.

Lectures → Reviewed

prop("Review 1") and prop("Review 2") and prop("Review 3")

Checks to see if Review 1, Review 2, and Review 3 are all checked and returns a checked box if so.

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