
[Call Log](<>)
  1. On your Dashboard create a linked version of your master Call Log database with the /linked command.

  2. Create a new List view with the + Add a View button.

  3. Delete the original Table view.

  4. Add a Created Time property to your Call Log database (or use an existing Created Time property for the next step).

  5. Filter the linked Call Log database with Created is Tomorrow to hide all entries, or filter this anyway you want if you want to see recent logs.

  6. Hovering over the linked database with show two New buttons, clicking either will show the new entry modal.

    <aside> ⚠️ If your Dashboard has its Page Lock enabled the New buttons won't show on hover.


    <aside> ⚠️ You'll need to Duplicate this page to see the New buttons on the following example.


Call Log

<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> By BenLatest • Was this helpful? Please consider buying me a coffee. Cheers!
