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Start & End Date Properties


Days Elapsed

if(dateBetween(now(), prop("Start Date"), "days") > 0, if(empty(prop("End Date")), dateBetween(now(), prop("Start Date"), "days"), dateBetween(prop("End Date"), prop("Start Date"), "days")), toNumber(""))

if(dateBetween(now(), prop("Start Date"), "days") > 0,

Check to see if the number of days between the current date and the Start Date is greater than 0.

if(empty(prop("End Date")),

If the number of days in greater than 0 (it's in the past), check to see if an End Date exists.

dateBetween(now(), prop("Start Date"), "days"),

If there is no End Date, display the number of days between the Start Date and the current date.

dateBetween(prop("End Date"), prop("Start Date"), "days")),

If there is an End Date, display the number of days between the Start Date and the End Date.


If the number of days between the Start Date and the current date is less than 0 (it's in the future), display nothing.

Single Date Property


Days Elapsed

if(dateBetween(now(), prop("Dates"), "days") > 0, if(start(prop("Dates")) == end(prop("Dates")), dateBetween(now(), prop("Dates"), "days"), dateBetween(end(prop("Dates")), start(prop("Dates")), "days")), toNumber(""))

if(dateBetween(now(), prop("Dates"), "days") > 0,

Check to see if the number of days between the current date and the start date from Dates is greater than 0.

if(start(prop("Dates")) == end(prop("Dates")),

If the number of days in greater than 0 (it's in the past), check to see if the start date of Dates equals the end date (the end() function will return the start date if an end date is not selected).

dateBetween(now(), prop("Dates"), "days"),

If the start date of Dates equals the end date, display the number of days between Dates and the current date.

dateBetween(end(prop("Dates")), start(prop("Dates")), "days")),

If the start date of Dates doesn't equal the end date, display the number of days between the start date of Dates and the end date.

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