
Latest Date

if(empty(prop("Date 1")) and empty(prop("Date 2")) and empty(prop("Date 3")) and empty(prop("Date 4")), fromTimestamp(toNumber("")), fromTimestamp(max(if(not empty(prop("Date 1")), timestamp(prop("Date 1")), 0), if(not empty(prop("Date 2")), timestamp(prop("Date 2")), 0), if(not empty(prop("Date 3")), timestamp(prop("Date 3")), 0), if(not empty(prop("Date 4")), timestamp(prop("Date 4")), 0))))

if(empty(prop("Date 1")) and empty(prop("Date 2")) and empty(prop("Date 3")) and empty(prop("Date 4")),

Check to see if all of the date properties are empty.


If they are, create a blank date. If any are filled, do the following instead.


Turns the number returned from the following back into a date.


Returns the maximum number from the following timestamps.

if(not empty(prop("Date 1")), timestamp(prop("Date 1")), 0),

Checks to see if the date property is empty and if it's not, returns the date as a timestamp. If it is empty, it returns a 0. Repeated for each date property.


if(empty(prop("Date 1")) and empty(prop("Date 2")) and empty(prop("Date 3")) and empty(prop("Date 4")), false, if(dateBetween(now(), fromTimestamp(max(if(not empty(prop("Date 1")), timestamp(prop("Date 1")), 0), if(not empty(prop("Date 2")), timestamp(prop("Date 2")), 0), if(not empty(prop("Date 3")), timestamp(prop("Date 3")), 0), if(not empty(prop("Date 4")), timestamp(prop("Date 4")), 0))), "days") >= 7, true, false))

<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/1649d2f9-1b45-478a-86b4-341fbe27e06f/benny.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/1649d2f9-1b45-478a-86b4-341fbe27e06f/benny.png" width="40px" /> By BenLatest • Was this helpful? Please consider buying me a coffee. Cheers!
