
Days On Read

if(not empty(prop("Date Started")), if(prop("Status") == "Finished", "Book Completed", if(prop("Date Started") >= now(), "Start Date in Future", format(dateBetween(now(), prop("Date Started"), "days")) + " days")), "")

if(not empty(prop("Date Started")),

Check to see if there's been a date added.

if(prop("Status") == "Finished", "Book Completed",

If there is a date, check to see if the status is set to Finished, and if it is display Book Completed

if(prop("Date Started") >= now(), "Start Date in Future",

If the status is not set to Finished, check to see if Date Started is in the future, and if it is display Start Date in Future

format(dateBetween(now(), prop("Date Started"), "days")) + " days")),

If Date Started is not in the future, display the number of days since the date.


If a date hasn't been added, display nothing.

<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/1649d2f9-1b45-478a-86b4-341fbe27e06f/benny.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/1649d2f9-1b45-478a-86b4-341fbe27e06f/benny.png" width="40px" /> By BenLatest • Was this helpful? Please consider buying me a coffee. Cheers!
