Multiple Progress Bars


if(prop("Number") >= -7 and prop("Number") < 0, replaceAll(slice("xxxxxxxxxx", 0, floor(abs(prop("Number")) / 7 * 10)), "x", "🍌"), if(prop("Number") > 0 and prop("Number") <= 21, replaceAll(slice("xxxxxxxxxx", 0, floor(prop("Number") / 21 * 10)), "x", "🍎"), ""))

Progress + %

if(prop("Number") >= -7 and prop("Number") < 0, replaceAll(slice("xxxxxxxxxx", 0, floor(abs(prop("Number")) / 7 * 10)), "x", "🍌") + " " + format(round(abs(abs(prop("Number"))) / 7 * 100)) + "%", if(prop("Number") > 0 and prop("Number") <= 21, replaceAll(slice("xxxxxxxxxx", 0, floor(prop("Number") / 21 * 10)), "x", "🍎") + " " + format(round(prop("Number") / 21 * 100)) + "%", ""))

<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> By BenLatest • Was this helpful? Please consider buying me a coffee. Cheers!
