<aside> ❓ Use synced blocks as a super basic way of seeing how many times your templates have been duplicated.



  1. Go to the public template you wish to track and copy its page link (using cmd/ctrl + L or through the Share menu).
  2. In a new private page create a synced block then paste the copied link inside it and select Link to page. This is so you can easily tell which template the synced block is associated with.
  3. Highlight the synced block and click Copy and sync.
  4. Go back to the original template and paste the synced block at the bottom of the page.

As the original synced block is in a private page the person duplicating your template will not be able to see the synced block you added in step 4 in their version. However, the Editing in # other pages dropdown that appears when you highlight either of the two synced blocks will now show a ••• # private pages count when you click on it. That number will increase every time someone duplicates your template. Even if they end up deleting the duplicated page entirely from their workspace the count will remain the same.

Template Tracking.png

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